Hello Momma!
I am glad you got the bracelet I sent you. The
member that gave it to me said I need to send it to my girlfriend and it
would ensure our relationship or something like that ha-ha but Elder
Anderson and I wanted to send it to our Mommas since we are
single.(Forever Alone-cough cough.) ha-ha plus I love you and miss you a
ton! And for those people that are asking for my mission address, I
don't mind if you tell them-but more stationary would be wonderful. I
like the ones with my name at the top. It makes me feel important ;)
Okay, what the heck is wrong with my Danny-boy Lacey?
Don't tell Ty- he will just say to drink more milk, "it cures
everything!" But in all seriousness I hope he is doing okay! Tell him I
said hi!
And wow... that Spring Formal sounds bomb. Must be
nice Brian. But It is good to hear I am still remembered in good old
F-Town! It's nice to hear that everyone is doing so good! And Uncle
Vaughn is a boss. I am glad he is adjusting so well!
It is also nice to hear that my SC amigos are doing
well and all on missions or going on missions soon! I know they are all
making great choices in their lives.
I can't believe Sister M betrayed us and put that video up with us singing! I told her
she better not! Ha-ha Oh, and speaking about being betrayed... I have a
awesome story for everyone today: So on Thursday we were headed to our
usual lunch appointment with Sister Domonique and we were stopped by a
Vietnamese guy. He started talking to us and then out of nowhere was
like, "Look at these hands! What do you see??" And me, being innocent
and not realizing the dude was a loony was like, "um... a callous?" He
said, "NO! What do these hand mean?" I answer again, "hmm... does it
mean you are a hard worker?" Ha-ha and then he looks at us both and
says..."I am Bruce Lee." I instantly realized this was about to be
the best conversation ever! He went on and on talking about how he was
re-incarnated and how he lost his awesome fighting powers in the
re-incarnation but that the spirit of Bruce Lee was inside him. He then
went on talking about how his father and brother betrayed him and broke
his arm because they we jealous that he was left handed and wanted to
make him right handed. He turned to Elder Anderson and asked who was the most evil man on the earth. And Elder Anderson was like,
"Cain?... maybe the devil?" And "Bruce" was like, "No! David." Who he said was his dad. So we
were then super confused. I guess his dad's name was David or
something. And then he said that his dad was the most evil man on the
earth and he is "George W. Bush"!!! So I guess his dad is George W.
"David" Bush.... It was so awesome. Best crazy person we have met so
far! So that is my crazy story for the week.
We also have a new investigator named Barbara! She is
amazing! We met her on Friday (she was a text referral) and we taught
her the first lesson after finding out she had received a Book of Mormon
already and had been reading it every night on her iPad. It was so
sweet!! So she came to all three hours of church and now we are teaching
her another lesson tonight at the Temple Visitors Center! So that was a
miracle for sure! I am so excited to finally meet someone truly
interested in this great message.
Thanks for the picture of Ryker, mom. Summer looks
great and so does the new baby! I am so happy for the family and its
new member. Ryker is a lucky boy to be around such great people. I
will look forward to pictures with him and Caiside during my mission. I can just see Caiside now.... She will really have a change getting used
to sharing and not having all the attention as a only child. I feel
like somehow I barely remember when Brian was back from the hospital. I
didn't want that little monster taking any of my thunder! Little did I
know that he was a semi truck packed into a little baby. Kinda like a
mini Arnold. He caused destruction for days! ;) But look at us now. We
are the best of friends! So I know that Ryker and Caiside will do
great together.
Well my family and friends... I have written a lot.
And I want to get out to see the city! I love and miss you all. Thank
you for all the support and prayers. I am praying for all of you as
Love your favorite missionary,
Elder Farley
p.s. I will
send the SD soon! My goal is to hit 300 pics! Almost there!
Sorry mom-hope that's not too many to check through.
Elder Snow Man |
Also, as a little side story: We made a snowman this
week when it snowed like crazy and we left a Book of Mormon in him and a
lot of Pass-a-long cards stuck all over him. When we came back the
next day they were almost all gone! Along with the Book of Mormon.
That probably isn't a normal missionary thing but... well we are getting
creative. Plus no one was even home around the area :)
Love you all