Monday, June 30, 2014

"High Speed, Flat Belly, Low Drag"...We are MOVING here!!

Remember when...?  Farley/Loveless:Exchanges 6/29/2013
Hey Mom!

Wow, what a week... I feel like I have said that a lot throughout my mission but DAAAANG!  This week was crazy awesome.  We had(still have) so much to do!! So I am sorry if this email is not extra long!

A lot of amazing things are happening!  We just recently cut a TON of miles from every missionary in the mission and we are starting this big "mass-transit" initiative.  President Cooke feels that the best way for us to be talking to EVERYONE (like Elder Ballard challenged us to do) is to get out of our cars and get on buses, the metro, and our bikes to speak with everyone we encounter.  So miles have been cut up to 40% for most areas!  It is so crazy and awesome, I love it!  Too bad I won't get to REALLY be a major part of it until after I am released, but I am sure the exchanges with other missionaries will make up for all of that.  

The work is going great!  We are all over the place everyday... Like President Cooke often likes to say, "High Speed, Flat Belly, Low Drag!"  We are MOVING here!  I love the things I am learning from President and Sister Cooke.  They are great examples to me.  I also am learning a ton from Elder Loveless!  He is the man... I have wanted to be comps with him since last year when I first met him.  Dream come true. 

This week is finishing up some beginning of the transfer work and then out and about doing exchanges and hitting up meetings with President Cooke and the missionaries in all the Zones.  It is a lot of work, and it is a lot different than what I am used to, but I am enjoying it!  We listen to a lot of Classical music... President Cooke listens to it a lot.   I already feel smarter and classier ;)  Seriously though... I should have listened to this stuff all throughout High School!  Then maybe I could have got into BYU- PROVO :'D hahaha 

Sounds like everything is going well back at home.  That is really cool about the Paddle Boards!  I will have to go out with you when I am back so I can get yolked shoulders like Laird Hamilton.  AND I seriously cannot believe that Brian is leaving SO soon!  Sorry Mom, I don't want you to be sad, it is just awesome that he is going on a mission.  He is going to be such a STUD!  I cannot wait to hear about all the hermanos and hermanas that he will help bring to the gospel of Jesus Christ!  Isn't missionary work the best?? You get to be on the Lord's team, sharing His gospel with His authority to bring people into His fold!  I seriously cannot say it enough:  The Church is true, the work is the bees-knees, and we can all be a part of it!  All we have to do is try.. just open our mouths and be kind, inviting people to come closer to Christ.  This week Elder Loveless and I have met may wonderful people by just starting up normal conversations with them and getting to know them a little bit.  I am not saying that any of them got baptized that day ha-ha but they did show interest in visiting the Temple and have unknowingly stepped closer to the Savior.  Keep on being great Momma and encourage others to do so too!  I love you and miss you! 
Brian thinks this picture of Sean's food belongs in a cooking magazine!

Lots of Love,


P.S.  Today we are only allowed to email, then we have a full P-day on the 4th!! WOOHOOO!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Best Zone Activity EVER! And a Big Change.

Hey Mom!!

Wow!  What a crazy week it has been... The best zone activity in the history of life, having a super annoying cold, working with the Assistants, and picking up a new Elder for the ASL program!  I am really having such a fun time out here... Especially being with Elder Cervantes! He is the man.  The only downside of the week has been having this stupid cold and packing to leave the area!  I hate packing!  Every transfer I get more stuff and end up having to become more and more strategic in the way I pack my things! Luckily I have it all done so today I can relax before the big change!

Sounds like things at home are going good!  It is crazy to think Brian will be gone in a month! WHAAAAAAT!  He is going to be an awesome missionary!! Too bad Elder Cervantes will not be home quite yet or else he could sneak in to the MTC in Mexico and bring him some tacos!  (Also... Are sopapillas only a New Mexican thing?? That's what Elder Cervantes said... my life is a lie!! Haha jk)  Anyway, tell all the Parsons I say hi!  I miss them all a lot! And give Aunt Sharon a BIG HUG for me :) <3  oh... And I realized I didn't answer those questions for Brian's mission, so if you still have questions can you resend them to me via email and I will reply to them if I still have time :) thanks!

This p-day has been pretty chill:  we worked out, hit up 4 different thrift shops, and now we are headed home to eat and I am going to take a long nap to try to shake this cold.  I think I am on the upswing but I don't want to relapse.  

This past weekend we had a great time with one of my favorite families... The "A" family.  They are from Ethiopia and they always feed us a TON of food!!  Seriously I think I had a serving size that couple have fed 3 NFL linemen!  But it is good because they love feeding the elders and always talk about how they feel the spirit so strong when we come.  Brother A is a member and so are his three sons.  His wife and sister-in-law come to church every week but are not members.  They are the ones we are beginning to teach and hopefully they will get baptized soon!  We are also teaching this 16 year old girl who's father is a less active member.  He is pretty against the church but he is totally willing for us to come and teach his daughter. She has been to mutual before a few times and knows a couple people on the ward... So hopefully we can continue to meet with her and help her work towards baptism.

I am just so happy to be out here serving The Lord for these two years.  I seriously couldn't ask for anything better than this.  Sure there are ups and downs... I wouldn't expect it any other way, but it is the overall experience that makes all the work worth it.  I can almost hear the Savior as he spoke to us before we came down to this mortal life... It won't be easy... But it will be worth it!  I know that as we do our best each day to do the simple things God asks us to do, we will become great instruments in His hands.  We can do it by waking up each day with a enthusiastic look on the future... Starting our day off with an early morning prayer and scripture study.  Then throughout the day be ever alert for opportunities to share what you believe or invite someone to church, dinner or even just to hangout!  As we are more aware of our brothers and sisters around us we will be more willing and excited to share the gospel with others!  Yes, it is a little intimidating, but God has promised us that when we obtain His word then we can go and preach.  So remember to study Preach My Gospel and the Scriptures everyday!  I am so thankful for you Mom and your willingness to serve as a ward missionary side by side with Dad.  Keep on looking for opportunities and I know you will find them.  I love you and our family so much!  It is such a blessing to have the gospel in our lives.  Keep up the great work!!

Oh... I almost forgot: (Transfers) So tonight, I will be with the APs in a trio until transfers on Wednesday.  It is pretty crazy to think I will be the new Assistant with Elder Loveless!  I am super stoked to be his companion and to work with President Cooke so closely.  The Cooke family is the best.  This week is going to be so intense!... Wish me luck :)     

Hugs and Kisses from your boy, 

Elder Sean B. Farley

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Happy Father's Day

Hey Mom!

Sounds like everyone had a great week this week!  And Happy Father's Day to Dad and Grandpa! Also Uncle Vaughn and Jonny! Sounds like it was a good get-together!  I don't know if there is a vote for going to San Elijo next Father's Day or not... But if there is, count me in!

I am so stoked about Brian going to the temple!  Won't it be the best when we are all back together in two years and can ALL go to the temple.  I can't wait.  Anyway, Congrats Bri! I love you a ton brother. :)

Things here are going super great!  We just had the best zone activity in the history of life!  The last two days have been straight madness prepping for it!  We had to get a grill from a member(plus load it on our truck), a hose, tons of water balloons, burgers and brots, and a slip and slide(big tarps).  So we have been going crazy trying to get it all together... We were just praying that it would all work out, even though it was looking like we were going to have a lot of road blocks.  Luckily, everything went JUST right!! It was a "Water Games" themed activity with Elder Archibald BBQing like last time!  So it was an all around success and we heard a lot of, "BEST ZONE ACTIVITY EVER!!" Comments from both the elders and sister missionaries.  I may or may not have gotten a little more sun than I was suppose to! :/

This week is temple week and also the last full week of the transfer!  So it will be interesting to see what happens.  I really hope to stay with Elder Cervantes, but I don't think that will happen sadly.  

We have been getting a ton of referrals lately, which means that the missionaries in the mission and especially in our zone are talking to EVERYONE!!  It has been great to put a stronger effort into talking to everyone we see.  As we have been we see how easy it is to share the gospel with others.  I think a lot of times in my life I have always been nervous to open my mouth and invite someone to hear about our church.  Whether it was inviting someone to church, a stake dance, a youth activity, or even over to our house to hangout or eat; I always had that fear.  Now I realize why I was scared.  It wasn't because I needed to learn how to peach the Gospel or how to contact people on the streets... It was because I was letting satan get the best of me.  We know that on the scriptures we are taught that every good feeling and thought comes from God, while every bad one comes from the devil.  So the whole time I was just letting satan tell me, "nah... That person wouldn't be interested." "He doesn't seem like he would like to hangout with Mormon kids." The thoughts go on and on!  I should have been following the still small voice of the Spirit.  So many of our friends and family are waiting for us to invite them.  They are looking for the truth but do not know where to find it.  So we have to help them by inviting them to come closer to Christ.  This can be done is SO many ways.  In the book "The Power of Everyday Missionaries," Brother Clayton Christensen teaches us that when we invite, we succeed.  It doesn't matter if they accept or not... All we have to do is invite.  

I know that this work is the work of our Lord.  Nothing can compare to the marvelous work and wonder the our Father in Heaven is performing at this time.  We love in the time that all the ancient prophets saw and were excited for!  We are pert of the Hastening of the Work of Salvation.  I wish for everyone to "catch the wave" and to each do their part to share the gospel with our brothers and sisters.  Everyone needs it :)

I love you mom!  And I am so happy to be a part of our wonderful family.  What a great blessing God has given us to all be together.  "Count your many blessings..." ;)

Love your boy,

Elder Sean B. Farley

Monday, June 9, 2014

Busy Week in the Zone!

Hey Mom!

Glad to hear that you and the boys got back home safetly.  Sounds like the trip was good and everyone had a fun time :)

Things here in the mission are going great!  Last night we went to the Night of Music and inspiration.  It was really good and I was able to see a lot of my old companions, roommates, and other friends/missionaries.  I also got to see and talk to Brother Weitzner and the King family.  So it was a good night and I was happy to see so many friends who I love.

Elder Cervantes and I had a really busy week with Zone Training meeting and Stake Coordination.  For Zone Training we focused on what Elder Ballard talked to us about, which was talking to everyone!  So we had Elder Welch give a training on that topic and for part of his training we had groups split up and learn how to simply contact a person in ASL, French and Spanish!  It was awesome! After the training we did a role play where we had random props and we would have to do the following: (1) Relate a principle of the gospel with the "stranger's" random item (2) Get a return appointment (3) and to ask for a referral.  It was SUPER funny!! One of the lines I heard was, "We want to share this great message with you... Because you shared this great peanut butter with us!"  Oh! This one was good too: "Just like how you are cleaning that machine with your brush, the gospel of Jesus Christ can brush away your sins and make you clean!"  Haha Silver Spring zone is awesome :)  we also had interviews with President and Sister Cooke!  They are the best!! Every time I get a chance to speak with them I always feel so loved and appreciated.  I cannot wait for you to meet them next year.  :D

Yesterday, besides the Night of Music, we were running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to get Stake Coordination all finished and ready.  The major problem was that some of the missionaries either didn't report their numbers all correctly or we couldn't read their handwriting :'D ha-ha... The struggle is real.  And then we had to print up the completed sheet, but we couldn't get the printer to print it in color!! So we had to quickly find a place or person that could do it! Luckily our awesome Ward Mission Leader, Brother Turner, had us send it to him via email and he make copies for us in color.  The meeting went well and I feel that President Cooke along with our mission and the 4 stakes in our mission are really starting to come together!  Some more than others, but eventually I think that the member missionary work is going to explode!!!

Today has been a super awesome p-day already.  We went shopping at the Prince George mall and the went to the University of Maryland's institute (LDS) building and are currently having a missionary party :) We got Little Caesars pizza, we are playing Settlers of Catan, Ping Pong, Billiards, and listening to an old record player! 

I am really excited for this upcoming week.  We have a TON of referrals and new potential investigators who we are hoping to start teaching!  We also are having an additional temple trip for Temple Ordinances! So if you know of some people I can do Baptisms and Confirmations for, could you send them out to me Mom?  Or maybe you can send me the names and I can search them on  So then we will have two Temple days in two weeks, and following that will be transfers!  Crazy how fast this last three weeks has gone! 

I enjoy being out here a ton!  Of course I miss you and the family, but thankfully Heavenly Father has kept me busy and focused on the work so I have never been home sick! I just love being able to actually have the calling as a representative of Christ and His church.  As I study the Gospel and share it with others I have truly gained love for them.  Even in my zone... I feel love for each person and I want to help them in anyway I can.  I know that this message we share as missionaries and members is true... Look for every opportunity to share it with others.  I know that anyone who has a desire to be a missionary and asks Heavenly Father to help them will find many, many chances to share their beliefs with others.  :)

I love you and miss you! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

Love your boy,

Elder Sean B. Farley

Monday, June 2, 2014

10th Key'ndom!

Hey Mom!

Glad to hear the trip was a success and that you, Dad and Brian are
safe.  Brian sent me some pictures and the whole trip looked awesome!
I talked to Brother Weitzner and he said that the game you went to had
a bench clearing brawl or something close.  Haha I thought that was

It sounds and looks like Kirtland was legit!  One day we are going to
SNAG that temple!

You went to the Salem Witch Woods?! Jone! Did you see any witches?
Haha that trip sounds like it was all around awesome!  As for sending
the pictures... I would say it is safe to send it to my apartment
until about the week or two before transfers(which is on the 25th of
this month). Just to be safe in case I get transferred.  Oh and thanks
for sending the emails from all my buddies!  I think that works better
than paper letters of their emails.  Danny and Mitch seems to be doing
good! I also try to keep in touch with my buddies from BYU Idaho. I
haven't heard for Ty in a few weeks but I will try to get ahold of him
this week :)  I really miss all those guys and it will be awesome to
see them again after their missions.  I know they will be the same but
different.  They will be better men.

Sounds like Brian and the guys have a fun trip planned!  Brian better
be safe, and not do anything dumb!  Now I feel like how you felt when
I wanted to go to Provo with Daniel when we were Juniors.  Haha that
might be a good idea to drive them home.  Be safe :)

The Zone is doing great!  We got almost 450 10th keys!!! So everyone
has been asking for a TON of referrals.  Our goal is to ask for(and
hopefully receive) a total number of 500 this week.  So Elder
Cervantes and I are committed to double what we got this week!  I am
learning little phrases and things in Spanish so I can talk to people
and then Elder Cervantes will take over.  No longer do I need to worry
about tracting into people who say, "No hablo engles" because
Cervantes is with me all the time!! Haha loop hole!

Haha you make me laugh mom :)... To answer you questions: So as a Zone
Leader we usually have district meetings every week.  Their are 4
districts so we have one on Tuesday, two on Wednesday and one on
Thursday.  The only time we don't have them is when we have a bigger
meeting like Zone Conference, Mission Conference or a Zone Training.
We will also go on exchanges with all the district leaders and with
other members of the zone we feel impressed to go on exchanges with.
This week we have one exchange, Zone Training meeting and Stake
Coordination.  Then next p-day we have a big Zone Activity!!! So we
are going to be super busy this week.  We have two companionships of
English sisters, one companionship of Spanish speakers, and one that
is ASL.  They are all doing great as far as I know haha.  We don't do
exchanges obviously with them, so we only see them at meetings.
Luckily their are four Visitor Center Sister Trainers... (a.k.a. VC
Queens) who train all the sisters, so we don't have to worry too much
about them.  But as for my roommates— they are the BEST!!  They try to
pull little pranks on us, so we dish it back now and then ;) nothing
crazy, just fun stuff to keep us on our toes.  Elder Cervantes had an
awesome birthday.  I took him out to IHOP with my other gift card and
I got them to bring him ice cream and sing happy birthday. We also got
a GIANT carrot cake yesterday from some members and that is elder
Cervantes' favorite type of cake.

The work is going good in our area here in college park! We have made
a lot of contact with less actives and are talking to a TON of people!

Today we have been hanging out with the ASL elders, Wood and Parker.
We are at their members home doing service, went thrift shopping, and
now we are grilling for dinner!! A good chance to grow closer to the
elders and also their members.

I just want you and everyone back home to know that I know that this
work is the truth!! I hope one day that all my friends and family will
humble themselves and search for the true gospel of Jesus Christ...
Because they will find it, and it will be this gospel.  I love serving
The Lord as one of His missionaries.  It doesn't get much better than
this— teaching people about Christ and how, through Him, they can all
return as a family with God forever.  The gospel is so simple... Don't
let people complicate it.  The world(satan) wants it to seem
confusing... But in all reality it is simple, sweet and true... All of
it.  I love you and miss you. Keep up the missionary work and keep
reading PMG and the scriptures together as a family and on your own.
I know that will strengthen you and anyone who wants a strong
foundation set upon Jesus Christ.

Love your son,

Elder Sean B. Farley