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No Pictures from Elder Farley this week...AGAIN!!! So, The embarrassment continues! |
This week has been really awesome! It feels like it has been really dragged out because a lot has happened, but it has been very fun and productive even with the set-backs we had. So early morning on Tuesday there was a light snow that started up as we got ready for the day and started our studies. By the time studies were over we had a couple inches outside and the snow was coming down pretty good. So we received a call-out from the assistants telling us to stay in until further notice. It didn't get much better so we were not allowed to drive and only go out on foot if we had appointments. So we ended up staying inside all day and that consisted of eating, more studies, eating and a LONG game of monopoly. It was the monopoly that you play with credit cards so that was way better! (Not that it matters but guess who won?!?.... THIS GUY.) So that was kind of the set-back we had this week, along with the next day not being able to leave until lunch. But that was not as bad.
On Thursday we had a pretty sweet miracle. I call it my "Hump Day Miracle!" So we received a referral via text that came from Mormon.org. It was a lady named Laquay who was asking for a Bible since her old one was in bad shape. We went over and knocked on her apartment door and we were welcomed in to have a "bible study." We explained our purpose as missionaries and what we were all about and we started to talk about the Book of Mormon. We then started to explain how our church was different from other churches and what was so special about our message. (Keep in mind this lady is studying to be a deacon in her church.) Anyway, we taught her the Restoration and right after we shared Joseph Smith's First Vision experience she stopped us and said, "This is amazing... You two are so young! You are going to make me cry!" And then the Spirit hit harder than before and she was in tears. We were able to bear our testimony of the truthfulness of our message and the Spirit that was testifying to her that what we were sharing with her is true. She was so happy to hear the message of the Restored gospel and accepted to be baptized along with her 12 year old daughter that was also listening into the lesson. Such a wonderful experience to be a part of! Needless to say, Elder Rushton and I were stoked!!
A lot of things have been happening in the mission lately. We are getting iPad minis this Friday and will begin to use them in our proselyting! There has also been a push to use Family Search/ Family History work and genealogy in proselyting to bring even more people into the church and to aid the work of salvation. We were able to be part of the Suitland Stake's Ward Mission Leader meeting where we discussed using the ward mission plan and keeping it a living document. Elder Rushton and I focused on the Families in the ward and how each family can do their part in the ward by creating a family mission plan where they could use their talents and strengths to share the gospel. I used the paper that Dad sent out to me that is being used in the ward back home too! It went really well and it is great to see the "behind the scenes" of the Mission and Stake work that goes on. It really has strengthened my testimony in so many ways as I have been able to partake in these opportunities and experiences.
I am so very thankful for the chance I have to be a missionary for the Lord, Jesus Christ. How cool is it that He would trust me enough to represent Him and do His work. It is a humbling thought every time I remember what I am a part of. And it is great to know that we all are a part of His work or at least have the opportunity to become one of His disciples. As we remember our role in the great plan of Salvation, we remember that it is our responsibility to help our brothers and sisters return to our Father in Heaven. If we turn to our Savior and look for help through Him, we can truly become the missionaries of His church that we have been asked to be. Do not forget that we are all children of God and that with that knowledge we should have the courage to do ALL things Father in Heaven asks us to do. I know the Church is true and I know that nothing will stop the WORK from progressing.
I am so happy to hear everything back home is going great! I love you and all of the family and friends back home. Stay healthy, happy and safe!
Love your son,
Elder Sean Farley