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Elder's Rushton and Farley |
Ha ha you made me laugh with all your questions in the beginning of your email! My new area is Capitol Heights and I am Zone Leader with Elder Rushton. The area is super great! I am so happy that I get to be ZL over the ghetto city area. We cover Anacostia (which is the run-down part of DC) Capitol Hill (where all the rich young hipsters live) and Capitol (which is in Maryland and is a pretty nice area.) Elder McDonald is the DL in Capitol Hill, Elder Chapman is DL in Anacostia and Elder Peterson(MTC roommate) is DL in Capitol. So it is an awesome Zone and everyone is set on working really hard. Being Zone Leader is really different but it is great to be able to help out the missionaries in the Zone. Elder Rushton is being a great Sr ZL for me and is teaching me everything really well. Besides that I don't have a ton more to say. We get to have conference calls with President and all the mission's ZLs every Saturday night. So that is pretty sweet too.
In the morning here we go to the Capitol apartment because they have a mini gym and we workout there. It isn't very good but it works. Elder Chapman and Elder Von Trapp are our roommates and they are so funny! Elder Chapman is from Austrailia and Elder Von Trapp is from Qatar (Arabian Peninsula) but he is American. Don't ask me, I have no clue why his family lives there. But he is about 140 lbs and wants to get HUGE so he eats a TON! He is always like, "I'm gunna be HUGE!" I love him already. Oh but yeah... I guess if you were going to send out nice jeans maybe I can have them for when I get home :) I don't want to have a lot of nice clothes out here since I won't wear it as a missionary. But all my church clothes still fit. I think I am size 32-34 still just a little bigger in the hammy section. And my arm is feeling a little better I think. Not a ton but a little.
OH I almost forgot to talk about the ward here! It is so awesome! Like Mormon/Southern Baptist church! Everyone here is so nice and great! Mostly African Americans but there are a few white people. Everyone in the gospel principles class is like, "Mmmhmm! " About everything they agree with. And the investigators love it too, so there is no complaining here. I met our Bishop the second night I was here and his family too. He is a great guy and really seems to be moving the wrok along great! So I am very stoked for this transfer and the time I have to spend here.
It is so awesome you are a ward missionary now! That is so sweet!! Now you and Dad can get the whole ward super excited about sharing the Gospel with their friends. It seriously can change so quickly too. I have noticed that the wards and families that are just a little more outgoing or go out of their way to say hi to people and just invite them to activities and to their home; those are the ones who end up bringing SO many people to the Gospel. So all you people reading this blog need to go out there and share that good word!! ha ha and it can be as easy as just inviting a neighbor, co-worker, or friend over to your home for dinner or desert! Be creative and take some advice from Nike and JUST DO IT! The Lord truly blesses those who are courageous and boldly share His gospel. I know everyone has the capability as members of His church to share Gospel. So I will be praying for you mom and everyone in the ward back home to have wonderful experiences and many opportunities to bring others to Christ.
I love and miss you Momma as well as the family. Tell everyone in the ward I say hi :)
Love your son,
Elder Sean Bachman Farley
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