I love the pictures you sent of you and Dad. You look beautiful! And Dad looks like a stud, as always.
I guess you saw some of the posts and things on Facebook about the WDCN reunion and all the people who went. Brother Weitzner and Brother JS Armstrong went to see all the RMs and also the Matsumoris of course. It is super weird to think it has been over a year since I have seen them.
Things here in the mission are going great! Today we have just been preparing for Zone Conference and getting all of our training's finished up and ready to be done in the four zones. This week is always a great week with spiritual highs, but also a little long! Haha but the spiritual part is worth it!! :)
We also will be having interviews again and be slowly looking at transfers and getting a perspective of what will need to occur before that date! Haha, it is a constant cycle of transfers, trainings, interviews, exchanges and meetings that never end!! Yesterday(Sunday) was full of meetings!! It's funny because it sort of reminds me how Dad would always have meetings after meetings! I know a little bit how you feel now Dad! It's pretty tiring, but it's all about the efforts in Hastening the Work so it is my favorite kind of tired. Haha
I am trying to think of all the funny/crazy things that have happened but because of this one(I'm abut to tell) I can't remember at the moment! xD haha: So Elder Malugin and I were working on our workshop and PowerPoint today and we're trying to get all the logistics for Zone Conference at the same time. Elder Malugin was at the computer facing the wall and I was behind him on a chair working through the agenda. While we were doing this Elder Malugin wanted me to call some missionaries who would be either leading the music, playing the piano, or saying a prayer for the conferences. As I went to look for my phone, a terrible pain formed at the crown of my head... The kind of feeling you would get from standing up quickly into the corner of a granite counter top! Elder Malugin had thrown the phone behind him, thinking that I was prepared to catch it.(which should not have been a surprise since we always do stuff like that!) I instantly had a bump on my head from the flying, lethal device, similar to the bumps that you would see in the cartoons! Haha at least that's what it seemed like! All I could picture was the kid in Home Alone 2 throwing the bricks at the two bad dudes and nailing the one in the head! Haha after all... We do call our phones "bricks" anyway! As revenge all I have been doing is responding to him like as if it was a brick that struck my cranium! "I'm not sure what that is... Where are we?... Who are you?" So lesson learned... No more throwing phones. We are going to stick to throwing iPads ;) haha! (Maybe not the funniest story, but it is the entertainment for us this Monday)
Well, now that we are all moved into our apartment, things don't seem so hectic. Something I have realized on my mission is the importance of a clean and neat living/work space, because it is key in order to feel the Holy Spirit at home. When things are dirty and unorganized it is a lot easier to feel stressed and unfocused! So thanks for always teaching me to clean and be organized Mom! Even if I didn't always do it :D
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"Nats hats" wall! Go Nats!! |
Mom! That is so cool that you are going to mission prep and doing roll plays with the young men/women in the class! We do roll plays all the time as missionaries because it really is the closest thing to really talking with someone! I remember first doing then in the beginning of my mission (especially in the MTC) and I used to hate them; now I love them and really get excited when it is a challenge! So maybe when I am back we can do it in FHE so I can stay in practice ;) haha Anyway, keep up the great work mom! Same to you Dad! You both are such wonderful examples to me of how to be a more Christ-like person. Thank you both so much for doing everything to make my life happy and for providing me with everything I would ever need to be where I am today. I know without a doubt that you are the perfect parents for me and my siblings. I love you so much and miss you too! I promise to keep working hard out here, so keep up all the great work you are doing as well! Love you!
Your son,
Elder Sean Farley
Ah! I really need to get better at taking pictures again! I will work harder to take them when we are out and about so you can see what we are up to!
P.S. My toe is healing well, I think. I go in next P-day to get it checked out and having the wrapping taken off... Too bad it is already coming off! Haha
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