Hey Mom!
It's great to hear you and Dad had a safe and fun trip! It sounds like it was awesome! Especially the ride on the helicopter! That's intense! I love that there was a double rainbow!! "all the way across the sky...." Haha :) the pictures from Dukes were fun to get- hope you got a burger for me there.
Brian sounds like he is having a good time in CA. I am really glad he has some roommates! That will be so much fun for him. And WHAT?! CHRISTMAS WITH THE PARSONS?! That's not fair! Haha so cool... I'm jealous. So pretty much for Skyping this year I can do it whenever. We have pretty solid wifi at our place so we will probably just do it here. Once Brian finds out a time, just let me know and I will plan on it. Do we want to have the full hour together or like a half hour overlap so he can have some time by himself to talk to you all? It might get a little hectic with everyone for the full hour. I'm down for whatever though :)
The Festival of Lights is officially up an running. We will have one shift at the end of the month on the 28th, but that means Tavanā will be gone :/ He is leaving on the 27th- just two days after CHRISTMAS!! Crazy right? We had the "stay or go" call-out last night and both Tavanā and I are staying! Also, I got a call on Wednesday night to meet at the VC Friday morning for the trainers meeting. Yep, your boy Sean is training again! I will have a son who will stay in the mission... Hopefully! Haha Our roommate, Elder Liang is also training and Elder Ng will leave us. 5 man apartment for about 2 1/2 weeks! Should be fun :) Sean's first "greenie" was a visa waiter for Brazil
This week we went over to the Blewett's and went out into the woods and cut down a tree!! Well... It wasn't really the woods... More like a just took the APs truck, parked it on the side of the road and went out with a hacksaw and cut a tree down! It's not a real Christmas tree, but it smells kinda like one and has a nice look to it. The Blewett's are going to help us make tree stand for it and give us some decorations(lights). We have a fire place and already have stockings up that we found in the closet from last year. I know you need a Christmas picture so I will try to send one. When I get my boy we are going to take an awkward family photo together with Tavanā and the Chinese elders! It's going to be legendary!
I am so grateful for this wonderful season of Christmas! Not only because of the presents, people being slightly nicer when we go tracting, or the hope of a snow fall- but because of the focus we have on the true Gift of the season. Our Savior's birth. The life of the only perfect person to ever walk this earth. The One who made it possible for us to find forgiveness and peace in the chaotic world! I am so thankful to know of His gift, which is the Atonement, that has blessed my life so much, along with many of the lives of those I have encountered with. I am so happy to know He lives and loves me. I know He loves us all and that he IS the reason for the season!
Love and miss you! Can't wait to Skype you in a couple weeks!!
Love your boy,
Elder Sean Farley
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